Fan-Cooled Workwear, Or the Latest in Japanese Fashion?

<p>Interestingly, the fan-equipped clothing technology isn&rsquo;t actually anything very new in Japan. On the hottest days of summer, when everyone is trying to wear as little fabric as possible, Japanese construction sites can be a bit of a surprise &mdash; many of the workers are not only wearing long sleeves, but what looks like windbreakers or jackets! The truth is that this practical workwear actually has little electric fans blowing air through small ports on the back or sides, giving the wearer their own private cool breeze throughout the day. Since the airflow helps sweat to evaporate, there&rsquo;s evidence that it&rsquo;s actually more effective at keeping skin cool than wearing nothing at all, which is why they&rsquo;re ubiquitous in any workplace that involves physical labor under the hot sun.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>