Jan 6 Criminal Has Sentence Reversed

<p>As if we didn&rsquo;t already have enough to worry about, comes news that a&nbsp;<a href="https://apnews.com/article/capitol-riot-appeals-court-new-sentence-defendant-doj-32c57b7cfa26be9c477fba4c9cbfa301" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">federal appeals court has reversed the sentence of a Jan 6 defendant</a>.</p> <p>James Little, who entered the Capitol on Jan 6 but didn&rsquo;t participate in either the violence or destruction of property, pleaded guilty to a charge which carried a sentence of up to six months in prison, probation, or a fine.</p> <p>The judge sentenced him to 60 days in prison and three years of probation. Little appealed, saying that he was wrongly sentenced to both prison time and probation. It should have been one or the other.</p> <p>The DC Circuit Court of Appeals agreed,&nbsp;<a href="https://www.courtlistener.com/opinion/9421174/united-states-v-james-little/" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">in a 2&ndash;1 decision</a>, saying that he could not be sentenced to both prison time and probation for a single offense. He should have been sentenced to either prison time or probation, but not both.</p> <p>Here are the options for sentencing for a Class B Misdemeanor:</p> <p><a href="https://carenawhite.medium.com/jan-6-criminal-has-sentence-reversed-7351441bfe98"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>