James Museum of Western & Wildlife Art reflect devotion to art

<p>The significant collection of the museum consisting of ​over 400 works in the museum, all from the James&rsquo; private collection including about 3,000 pieces.</p> <p>The James Museum has its roots in the deeply felt passion for art and culture shared by co-founders Tom and Mary James, and their love for St. Petersburg, the city where they lived. During their travel to the West, a long time back they were captivated by the art of action and attention to place created by contemporary artists. This led to their buying pieces not only for their personal pleasure, but also to help the artists earn a living.</p> <p><a href="https://abajaj033.medium.com/james-museum-of-western-wildlife-art-reflect-devotion-to-art-70ef1d7339bf"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
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