Street Art From Jamaica Part III

<p>Art speaks in all languages no matter the race, religion, culture, creed, geography, mindset, etc. Art&rsquo;s language is the most bbbeeeaaauuutttiiifffuuull unspoken language. One that touches the soul and goes as deep as music as they both heal, soothe, motivate, uplift, and send only positive messages that stir and incite positive change. Art can unite humanity.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*gnL4ZB-7sM8ovczqbkg9Lg.jpeg" style="height:315px; width:700px" /></p> <p>Street Art on Water Lane downtown Kingston</p> <p>Music and dance are another language that doesn&rsquo;t discriminate while connecting humanity to love and kindness. Jamaicans are music-driven from the heart and listen to and play music every day. Parties and dances to celebrate something are always happening across all fourteen parishes in every community daily.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*V3bM0BuUtLYZQx9W0drt5Q.jpeg" style="height:239px; width:700px" /></p> <p>Street Art on Water Lane downtown Kingston</p> <p>Many of these musicians never had a lesson or formal training in singing, playing any instruments, or anything thing musical that has enhanced their talent. Jamaica has many raw talented artists and musicians who have contributed and inspired through their art across the globe through various outlets.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Jamaica Part