IUPAC Nomenclature — Chemistry Short Notes

<p><strong>Unique and unambiguous:</strong>&nbsp;Each name corresponds to a single structure, and vice versa.</p> <p><strong>Based on parent chain:</strong>&nbsp;The longest continuous chain of carbon atoms forms the base name.</p> <p><strong>Functional groups:</strong>&nbsp;Different functional groups have specific suffixes attached to the base name.</p> <p><strong>Substituents:&nbsp;</strong>Other atoms or groups attached to the chain are named as prefixes.</p> <p><strong>Priorities:</strong>&nbsp;Functional groups and substituents have priorities to determine their order in the name.</p> <p><a href="https://vhtcs.medium.com/iupac-nomenclature-chemistry-short-notes-7c475674d2d5"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>