Word on the Street: Issue #4

<h1>Introduction:</h1> <p>Word on the Street is a short newsletter with all you need to know about the Street Melts NFT ecosystem. There will be news, giveaways (in the future), teasers, and more.</p> <h1><strong>Project Announcements:</strong></h1> <h2>Inappropriate usage of funds</h2> <p>Unfortunately, on the 18th of June, Hyphy (previous CEO) was removed from his roles on the Street Melts team following inappropriate usage of project funds. Read part of the statement released by Texoid below:</p> <blockquote> <p>Zhaine [Splatman] and I uncovered the misuse of project funds during our discussions of the final stages of the Heist event &amp; while assessing the costs associated with the physical &amp; digital rewards. While these discussions were taking place, we noticed some numbers not quite adding up and proceeded to investigate further. As a result of this investigation, we have been left with no other choice than to ask Hyphy to step down from his position in Street Melts.</p> </blockquote> <p>As a result, Zhaine/Splatman has now retaken the top position, with Texoid taking on further team roles along with continuing his developing capabilities. Zhaine reiterated that he is the &ldquo;on paper&rdquo; project lead however all &ldquo;decision-making and developments&rdquo; will be collective between himself and Texoid with assistance from the moderator team.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@seanhub/word-on-the-street-issue-4-252daef0de3"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
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