A message of Resistance and Resilience to the Impact of Israeli Occupation in Palestine Through Hip Hop and the Song Ha’e’e Kfaye حقيقي كفاية (Really That is Enough) by DAM

<p><strong>Palestinian hip hop</strong>&nbsp;reportedly started in 1998 with Tamer Nafar&rsquo;s group DAM. I was fortunate to meet this group in Portland Oregon on Nov, 2nd 2011. My teenage son then liked rap and I thought perhaps I can get him interested in the Arabic language through rap songs. Currently, He very often brings me songs to translate, and this story is inspired by Gabe&rsquo;s persistence to learn Arabic and to educate me on the rap scene especially Palestinian rap. Most recently he brought me a song by Daboor called Inn Ann (meaning if time is ripe). I listened to that song many times and I was mesmerized by the verses, the rhythm, and the maturity of the lyrics. I then thought I&rsquo;m going to research Palestinian rap and was able to find many more other songs.&nbsp;</p> <p><a href="https://thearabiantraveler.medium.com/a-message-of-resistance-and-resilience-to-the-impact-of-israeli-occupation-in-palestine-through-hip-f146a8089a87"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>