Isaiah 9: What did the Prophet Isaiah say about Jesus?

<p>According to Alec Motyer, an Old Testament scholar, Isaiah 9 is in the middle of a section from chapters 7&ndash;11. The first three chapters (7&ndash;9) all focus on the birth of a baby who will deliver God&rsquo;s people.</p> <p>During the time of King Ahaz, Israel faced an immediate threat of invasion. But throughout chapters 7&ndash;11, these contemporary events were intertwined with a vision of a future everlasting kingdom.</p> <p>As argued in an&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener">earlier</a>&nbsp;article, Chapter 7 promised a sign of a baby &mdash; who will be &ldquo;God with us&rdquo; (<em>Immanuel</em>) in the distant future. Yet Chapter 8 recorded the birth of another child (Isaiah&rsquo;s son) &mdash;&nbsp;<em>Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz</em>&nbsp;&mdash; as a fulfilment of God&rsquo;s promise to Israel at that time.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Isaiah