Is Your iPhone Safe to Use?

<p>France has taken a bold step by ordering Apple to pull the iPhone 12 off its shelves due to concerns over radiation levels. The move comes after French regulators found that the iPhone 12 exceeded European radiation exposure limits. But before we jump to conclusions, let&rsquo;s break down the situation and understand what this means for consumers.</p> <h2>The French Regulatory Stand</h2> <p>France&rsquo;s National Frequency Agency (ANFR) made a decisive move, demanding that Apple withdraw the iPhone 12 from the French market, effective as of September 12, 2023. Their reasoning? They claim that the specific absorption rate (SAR) of the iPhone 12 surpasses the set limits established by European Union regulations.</p> <p>ANFR&rsquo;s decision has immediate repercussions. They insist that Apple takes immediate measures to prevent the iPhone 12 from being made available in the French market. Additionally, for those who already own iPhone 12 devices, ANFR has required Apple to correct the radiation levels and bring the phones into conformity as soon as possible.</p> <h2>Apple&rsquo;s Counterargument</h2> <p>Unsurprisingly, Apple isn&rsquo;t taking these allegations lying down. The tech giant has challenged ANFR&rsquo;s claims, asserting that they have provided the agency with multiple lab results conducted by the company and independent third parties. These results, according to Apple, demonstrate the iPhone 12&#39;s compliance with relevant SAR regulations and global standards.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: iPhone Safe