Is It Mature Or Immature Love?

<p>L<strong>ove may not be something we traditionally consider as being &ldquo;mature&rdquo; or &ldquo;immature,&rdquo; but the truth is that our ability to &mdash; and ways of loving will&nbsp;<em>mature</em>&nbsp;(verb) over time just as we do.</strong></p> <p>We can easily see the evolution in ourselves and our relationships over time (<em>hopefully</em>) if we&rsquo;ve grown as a person. We learn how to handle conflict, to compromise, to be patient, and to live in harmony with another.</p> <p>How, then, do&nbsp;<strong>mature&nbsp;</strong>and&nbsp;<strong>immature</strong>&nbsp;love differ from each other?</p> <h1>1: Mature love is peaceful, immature love is chaotic.</h1> <p>Think of the turmoil and drama in life&rsquo;s earliest relationships &mdash; raging hormones, two wild kids trying to figure each other (and themselves) out. Curiosity about the world, other people, how things work&hellip;</p> <p>And, lack of clarity around self and identity.</p> <p>This recipe creates an environment where&nbsp;<em>peace</em>&nbsp;seems elusive and chaos seems the norm. We are more&nbsp;<em>attached to</em>&nbsp;each other than&nbsp;<em>in love with</em>&nbsp;each other, and it shows through the emotional eruptions that happen as the tectonic plates of our lives shift underneath us.</p> <p>However &mdash; as we grow and mature, we (hopefully) become more settled and at peace. At peace with our lives, with our routines, and most of all &mdash; with ourselves.</p> <p><a href="">Read More</a></p>