Is ChatGPT getting dumber? Let’s talk about ‘AI Drift’

<p>Hey there, AI enthusiasts and writers! Picture this: You open your laptop to catch up with your favorite chatbot and you notice it&rsquo;s not quite as sharp as it used to be. Did ChatGPT forget to have its morning coffee or what?&nbsp;</p> <p>We&rsquo;ve all noticed it. The brilliant AI that dazzled us with astute responses is starting to feel&hellip; well, dull. It&rsquo;s not just your imagination or the shine fading as ChatGPT becomes more commonplace. It&rsquo;s a quantifiable trend that has AI researchers and users alike scratching their heads.</p> <p><img alt="ChatGPT, the renowned artificial intelligence model, has exhibited a declining trend in its capabilities. Researchers from Stanford University and UC Berkeley have discovered instances where GPT-4, the latest version as of June, showed decreased accuracy in diverse tasks such as math problems and code generation compared to its performance in March. This phenomenon, known as “ai drift chatgpt” or simply “ai drift,” is a concern for users as the model seems to stray from its original parameters." src="*uiwXXkM0MFxm5E6GaQUyKA.gif" style="height:700px; width:700px" /></p> <h2>GPT-4&rsquo;s Declining Performance: What Happened?&nbsp;</h2> <p>Imagine an absent-minded professor who keeps getting more information, but instead of becoming wiser, they end up misplacing their car keys in the fridge! (Yep, we&rsquo;ve all been there). That&rsquo;s kind of what&rsquo;s happening with&nbsp;<strong>ChatGPT</strong>. Contrary to what you&rsquo;d expect, it seems to be on a downward spiral of intelligence. Wait, did AI just pull a &ldquo;classic human&rdquo; on us?&nbsp;</p> <p>But why is this happening? Let me introduce the concept of &lsquo;AI drift&rsquo;.</p> <h2>What&rsquo;s this &lsquo;Drift&rsquo; Everyone&rsquo;s Talking About?&nbsp;</h2> <p>&ldquo;Drift&rdquo; isn&rsquo;t just something your car-loving,&nbsp;<strong>Fast and the Furious&nbsp;</strong>obsessed cousin yells about. In the AI world, it refers to the unpredictably&nbsp;<em>wonky</em>&nbsp;behavior of large language models (LLMs) that stray from their straight-out-of-the-box state: a deterioration in performance of an AI over time.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: ChatGPT dumber