The Irish Craic In Paris

<p>Many of us, if we are lucky, have a place we can go in our own town or city that feels comfortable, where we can talk, laugh, hang out, exist and feel like we&rsquo;re in our own skin. Extend that luck and we have a place like the mythic&nbsp;<em>Cheers,&nbsp;</em>where &lsquo;everybody knows your name<em>.&rsquo;</em></p> <p>I had a few places like that in my Oregon town, where I lived and worked for thirty years. My favorite was the bar and restaurant on the ground floor of my downtown building. It felt incredibly special to hop on the elevator, go down a few floors, and walk across the lobby to the bar. The manager knew me; the bartenders and wait staff often (not always) recognized me &mdash; they had a bit of turnover in those years and I only dropped in every couple of weeks. But it was comfortable and kinda homey. A bit toney, I have to admit, but still homey.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Craic Paris