IQ is largely a pseudoscientific swindle

<p><strong><em>(Revised draft</em></strong><em>: added comments on sinister country profiling. Also 1) Used the same data as researchers to find that&nbsp;</em><strong><em>R&sup2; for IQ-wealth and IQ-income is effectively 0</em></strong><em>&nbsp;in spite of the circularity. 2) Turns out IQ beats random selection in the&nbsp;</em><strong><em>best</em></strong><em>&nbsp;of applications by less than 6%, typically &lt;2%, as the computation of correlations have a flaw and psychologists do not seem to know the informational value of correlation in terms of &ldquo;how much do I gain information about B knowing A&rdquo; and propagation of error (intra-test variance for a single individual). 3) Added information showing the story behind the effectiveness of Average National IQ is, statistically, a fraud. The psychologists who engaged me on this piece &mdash; with verbose writeups &mdash;made the mistake of showing me the best they got: papers with the strongest pro-IQ arguments.&nbsp;</em><strong><em>They do not seem to grasp what noise/signal really means in practice</em></strong><em>. )</em></p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: IQ largely