Fixing Your 2 Biggest 401(k) Investing Mistakes

<p>While stocks ended the year down about 18%, at their worst in 2022 they were down around 25%. Selling near the bottom would have caused you to underperform, possibly by more than the gap between -18% and -23% would indicate because your 401(k) may have owned bonds, and when you dollar cost average through regular payroll contributions into a down market your performance is better than the market for that year.</p> <p>Fear causes investment mistakes. I get it. I make my own mistakes too. Giving into it isn&rsquo;t a recipe for success. If you sold near the bottom last year your market timing formula is broken, and you don&rsquo;t need to make moves like this to protect your portfolio. The market will do the work for you given time. It always has.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>