The elusive meaning of the term “invasive species”

<p>What is an &ldquo;invasive plant?&rdquo; Colloquially, some gardeners call any plant that thrives and spreads with little or no care &ldquo;invasive.&rdquo; They will cast the term on both &ldquo;weeds&rdquo; (which are often native plants) and ornamental nursery plants that spread outside their apportioned area. Such gardeners are seeking to uphold a particular aesthetic and their impulse to direct and control yields results ranging anywhere from elegant to cloying. If this were the only way that people used the word, &ldquo;invasive,&rdquo; it would be harmless, and there&rsquo;d be no need for this book.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>