Coming Out Forced Me Into A Box. Everyone Invalidated My Identity.

<p>I missed out on LGBTQ+ in my day. Sure, the rainbow bracelets and pride flags flashed around me as the &ldquo;loud and proud&rdquo; grouped up against the oppressive norm. It was all there, just not for me. My kind were pretenders and deniers, infiltrating one side or the other; the invisible &ldquo;B&rdquo; didn&rsquo;t&nbsp;<em>really</em>&nbsp;exist, after all.</p> <p>Even coming out to my family was uneventful. Growing up, many of my mother&rsquo;s friends were gay, lesbian, and even bi &mdash; somehow, I&rsquo;d managed to find silent acceptance within the vastness of anti-gay sentiments everywhere else. I should feel lucky, right?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>