Introduction to EASYOCR: A Simple and Accurate Python Library for Optical Character Recognition

<blockquote> <p>Want to become an instant expert on this EasyOCR? Here are all the key insights I gained after 10 hours of research, condensed into just 5 minutes.</p> </blockquote> <p>OCR stands for Optical Character Recognition and refers to the technology used to convert scanned images, PDFs, or other documents into editable and searchable text files. With OCR, characters, and text are captured from a document, translated into digital format, and then transformed into an editable document, such as a word processing file, that can be edited, searched, and shared.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*ivbpHftLkCYtLoTHJeWrYQ.png" style="width:700px" /></p> <blockquote> <p>Note: Even if you are a beginner in Python, You can still Play around with code very easily.</p> </blockquote> <p>How an OCR Works:</p> <p>The OCR process begins with scanning a document into a digital image. Once the document is digitized, the OCR software analyzes the image and identifies each character or symbol, such as letters, numbers, and punctuation marks. This process is achieved using machine learning algorithms and pattern recognition technology.</p> <p>Once the characters are recognized, the OCR software uses various algorithms to convert the image into text. This process involves recognizing the structure of the text and its relationships to other elements on the page, such as lines, paragraphs, and columns.</p> <p>The resulting text file is then cleaned up to remove any residual inaccuracies and formatting issues, resulting in a final output that is an accurate, editable, and searchable representation of the original document.</p> <p><a href="">Visit Now</a></p>
Tags: Python EASYOCR