Introducing SOL: Sequence Operations Language

<p>Shortly after we started&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">Motif</a>&nbsp;last year, my co-founder Misha asked me to think about what core set of sequence operations we should support. Thus began our quest for a small, yet expressive set of operations that allowed our users to do almost anything they could imagine with their event sequence data. We&rsquo;ve made a lot of progress since then, culminating in a carefully crafted domain-specific language we call&nbsp;<em>SOL: Sequence Operations Language</em>. I&rsquo;m excited to share more about how we designed SOL &mdash; it will help you understand how Motif is attacking the problem of making it joyful and exciting to work with event sequence data we collect from our product instrumentation.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*xW9cs6J_ocnD6MRl5y6d9Q.png" style="height:458px; width:568px" /></p> <p>SOL is pronounced &ldquo;Soul,&rdquo; as in the title of this 1981 book by Tracy Kidder.</p> <p>Before we begin, it&rsquo;s worth clarifying what we mean by an&nbsp;<em>event sequence</em>. An&nbsp;<em>event</em>&nbsp;is a structured record of some specific thing that occurred, often created and recorded by a logging framework (e.g. a JSON object or Python dictionary). An event must have a timestamp associated with it, the moment it was observed or recorded. Events must also have a unique identifier, like the user associated with the event. Sorting events in order by timestamp, partitioned by these unique identifiers, we end up with a&nbsp;<em>set</em>&nbsp;of event sequences, each capturing everything that&rsquo;s been observed about one particular user over time.</p> <p><strong>Click Here</strong></p>
Tags: Language SOL