Types of Interracial Couples

<p>The most common interracial couple is Hispanic-White (42%), followed by Asian-White couples (15%)</p> <p>&ldquo;<strong>Rather than considering interracial couples a homogeneous group, future studies should account for the different types of these couples</strong>&nbsp;as it may have implications on results&rdquo; (Tarah Midy, 2018)</p> <p>&ldquo;Some racial pairings are more common than others (Brooks &amp; Lynch, 2019). The most common interracial couple is Hispanic-White (42%), followed by Asian-White couples (15%), Black-White couples (11%), Black-Hispanic couples (5%),</p> <p><a href="https://drjarryd.medium.com/types-of-interracial-couples-43f69cfc6a2c"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>