The Culture Shock Of Being An International Student

<p>For students who come to America to pursue their studies, the biggest obstacle in their fruitful endeavors is cultural adjustment. The culture they come from, the environment, the weather, and overall social setting is worlds different from what they see and begin to experience in America. So, they end up facing challenges in their adjustments and socialization, which eventually help them grow.</p> <p>However, overcoming these challenges and shocks isn&rsquo;t that easy. Homesickness is one of the symptoms of culture shock and while most people can overcome homesickness with a few adjustments, it&rsquo;s not always easy. When homesickness lingers, it can lead to loneliness, depression, insomnia, feelings of disorientation, isolation, and anger.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>