What Role Can Privileged White People Play In International Development?

<p><strong>Irecently met a white</strong>&nbsp;<strong>person&nbsp;</strong>who was starting an organization to improve something in the so-called &ldquo;developing&rdquo; world. It was a social occasion, but I deeply regret that I didn&rsquo;t ask questions like, &ldquo;Why you? Why now? Why not support some of the many excellent initiatives out there being led by people in Liberia or Pakistan or Guatemala or wherever in the world it is you feel moved to support?&rdquo;</p> <p>After two decades of working in international development, I&rsquo;ve come to believe that the sector replicates the very structures of injustice we claim to be tackling. That&rsquo;s why I, a privileged middle-class white woman, organized an online conference last month titled, &ldquo;Healing Solidarity: Re-Imagining International Development&rdquo; that attracted over 1,500 people. I wanted to create a space for conversations about issues like decolonizing development, and where my peers could find sustenance and support.</p> <p><a href="https://brightthemag.com/white-supremacy-race-ngo-what-role-can-white-privilege-people-play-international-development-3c648c7252e9"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>