You Don’t Love That Person, You Love Their Intermittent Rewards

<p><em>Attraction is a complex thing. Our caregivers model us our first relationships that we hope gives us the tools to build secure relationships in adulthood and school teaches us nothing about navigating social lives despite the fact we are evolutionarily-speaking, social creatures. If you&rsquo;re like me, it&rsquo;s taken me most of my 20s to learn enough about relationships &mdash; through trial, error, and my own research &mdash; to figure out why people do what they do, and how to navigate it.</em></p> <p><em>One of the most common places people get stuck in dating is in hot and cold dynamics. Those dynamics where you&rsquo;re not really sure where someone stands, their behaviour is contradicting; they&rsquo;re showing signs of disinterest or unavailability &mdash; all which leaves you hanging on by a fantasy of how you hope things will turn out. Despite the multitude of red flags saying otherwise.</em></p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>