Analyzing Unemployment Rates in Barcelona with Interactive Visualizations

<p>The financial crisis of 2008 had a significant impact on the Spanish economy, particularly in terms of unemployment. However, from 2012, Spain was undergoing a slow but continuous economic recovery. The coronavirus pandemic has ended with a growth that seemed unstoppable, increasing again unemployment levels across the whole country.</p> <p>This article analyzes unemployment rates across all the neighborhoods of Barcelona in the last 8 years. The study aims to respond to multiple aspects related to the temporal and geographical distribution of unemployment rates. How much impact has the corona crisis had in terms of unemployment? Which neighborhoods have been most severely affected by the crisis? Where are the areas with higher levels of unemployment located? Is there gender equality in terms of unemployment? And many more questions&hellip; keep reading&nbsp;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>