Simplification of the French Language that both Integrates International Cultures and Facilitates Learning in Education

<p>The simplification of the French language is for both multicultural international communications and education systems, championed by ingenious pioneers such as Mr. Mickael Korvin, and opposed by protectionists of the &ldquo;purity&rdquo; of the French language, through correct spelling, grammar, accentuation and punctuation, such as Erik Orsenna of the Academie Francaise. Mr. Korvin, a widely recognized, esteemed full time writer and linguist, has extensively published novels. He created a new variation of French, his new invention, &lsquo;nouvofrancet&rsquo;, first introduced in his 2016 novel &lsquo;lom qi se croyet plubo qil netet&rsquo;. With nouvofrancet, Korvin has innovatively established a lighter, easier way to learn an efficient variation of the French language.&nbsp;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>