Logic Lens ™ Analysis: Trump’s January 6th Insurrection Speech — Part Seven

<p>I want to thank the more than 140 members of the House. Those are warriors. They&#39;re over there working like you&#39;ve never seen before. Studying, talking, actually going all the way back, studying the roots of the Constitution, because they know we have the right to send a bad vote that was illegally gotten.</p> <p>They gave these people bad things to vote for and they voted because what did they know? And then when they found out a few weeks later, again, it took them four years to devise this screen.</p> <p>And the only unhappy person in the United States, single most unhappy, is Hillary Clinton. Because she said: &quot;Why didn&#39;t you do this for me four years ago? Why didn&#39;t you do this for me four years ago? Change the votes, 10,000 in Michigan. You could have changed the whole thing.&quot; But she&#39;s not too happy. You know, you don&#39;t see her anymore. What happened? Where&#39;s Hillary? Where is she?</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/the-logic-lens/logic-lens-analysis-trumps-january-6th-insurrection-speech-part-seven-d79849ff6a6f"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>