Installing Linux (Ubuntu 20.04) on an external portable SSD and pitfalls to be aware of

<p>If you are a software developer, you have probably come across the dilemma of choosing your operating system. This is a big decision to make, since each operating system comes with its own pros and cons, and you will be stuck with them for quite a while. For people who are just getting into coding, below is my personal opinion on pros and cons of each operating system.</p> <p>Why programmers tend to prefer Linux is because a lot of open-source code (especially in the research stage) are developed on it. This doesn&rsquo;t mean that it is better than Windows or Mac necessarily, but it is definitely more accessible because it is free and open-source, so many research labs, companies and cloud computing providers run Linux on their remote clusters. Therefore, the software they develop are most often tested on Linux distributions such as Ubuntu, but may not be tested on Windows or Mac OS, and you might have to spend a while to find a work around.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>