Installing ComfyUI (Linux & Windows)

<p>I&rsquo;ve had this left unpublished for a while so I thought I&rsquo;d share it for anyone who might be new to it. I am aware that there is an easy-to-install, portable Windows version but this guide will cover the manual install.</p> <h2>Pre-requisites</h2> <p>Python 3.10<br /> Git</p> <h2>Step 1 : Clone the repo</h2> <p>Open a command prompt (Windows) or terminal (Linux) to where you would like to install the repo. We will create a folder named&nbsp;<code><strong>ai</strong></code>&nbsp;in the root directory of the C drive under Windows and in the user&rsquo;s home directory under Linux.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*52qPO9rj7TEgOMYBHT0CwQ.png" style="height:189px; width:637px" /></p> <p>Windows</p> <p><img alt="" src="*J1CpCJqcbhcG9m9hPtjsCw.png" style="height:225px; width:637px" /></p> <p>Linux</p> <p>Clone the repo using Git. When that is done set the current working directory to ComfyUI.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Linux Windows