Insights from Hong Kong

<h2>What were your expectations from Hong Kong Blockchain Week?</h2> <p>I wanted to see if there was reality to the marketing of Hong Kong as a renewed center for crypto in Asia and learn about the current Hong Kong ecosystem.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*QefPwDATB0OW3a9k.jpeg" style="height:458px; width:700px" /></p> <p>Photos by Andrew</p> <h2>Is Hong Kong the new crypto center?</h2> <p>They&rsquo;re definitely trying. It&rsquo;s very nascent still in terms of giving out licenses and in terms of traditional finance participating in the ecosystem. KuCoin, OKX, and Huobi are still applying for the HK VASP license. Traditional banks are not yet at the point of offering banking to crypto businesses and custodying crypto but some fintech/neo-banks are offering banking services to crypto companies.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Hong Kong