Words That Make Every Injustice Instantly Easier to Talk About

<p>Language is hard. It can be both a necessary tool for liberation and also a barrier &mdash; something that we go around in circles again and again without making actual progress on a chosen issue. Some people are so focused on how to speak correctly that they never act: trapped in a prison of their own shame and guilt.</p> <p>The words below are about language, but they are also meant to introduce and expand concepts that make conversation more straightforward. These words will allow you to sidestep certain rhetorical traps and push through into conversations that hopefully let you get more done.</p> <p><a href="https://aninjusticemag.com/words-that-make-every-injustice-instantly-easier-to-talk-about-3b57f6d6fd11"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>