An Ill-Fitting Suit? Islam vs Secular Government and Individualism

<p>In part one we saw how Islam&rsquo;s golden age of open inquiry and science personified by Almohad Spain&rsquo;s Ibn Tufail and Averroes and the Egyptian historian, geographer polymath, Ibn Khaldun, gave way to an Islamic not invented here syndrome. The West&rsquo;s teacher, by the 18th century, was shocked that it had become an innovation-resistant student. Islam&rsquo;s 21st century Ibn Khalduns, Averroes and Ibrahim Muteferrikas, such as Medium&rsquo;s H.S. Burney, who asked when Islam will join the modern world, encounter stubborn resistance when they trespass into advocating social and not just technological innovation,</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>