Gulping death — India’s Pollution Story

<p>Nazi Germany&rsquo;s Holocaust killed around 6 million Jews over a period of 6 years. In the past 6 years, as per calculations derived from annual estimates, over 6 million people have died in India as a result of Air Pollution.&sup1; This is, in no manner, meant to undermine the savagely barbaric nature of the Holocaust; rather the comparison merely attempts to put the human cost of air pollution into perspective.</p> <p>Each year in the Delhi NCR, schools are closed down, offices run at low capacity, traffic control measures are put into place &mdash; all owing to the air pollution that engulfs the region and the situation never seems anything less than a severe public health emergency. COVID-19 has taken 5.1 million lives worldwide and around 0.5 million in India, yet the air pollution crisis that has taken &mdash; as already mentioned &mdash; over 6 million lives in the past 6 years in India alone, has never been given an &lsquo;emergency&rsquo; attention on an equal footing. Again, this is not meant to undermine the seriousness of the pandemic: it is just meant to put the magnitude of the crisis into perspective.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>