La Mercè de Barcelona Is Here — Let’s Give Thanks for the Music & The Spirit Of Independence In Everything

<p>Wherever we are in the world right now &mdash; geographically speaking &mdash; let&rsquo;s give thanks &mdash; for the MUSIC. Tomorrow &mdash; Friday September 22nd, 2023 &mdash; is the start of the MERCY festival in Barcelona, Spain and the whole concept of La Merc&egrave; de Barcelona&mdash; as it&rsquo;s called &mdash; is making us think about our lives and what we all need to give thanks for.</p> <p>And while most cultures in the world have similarly-styled festivals which celebrate life, La Merc&egrave; festival in Barcelona is particularly close to our hearts, because we have so many STELLAR composers on our platform who live in Barcelona or other areas of Catalonia.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>