The impact of expatriates on the housing market in Dublin

<p>reland, and in a more specific manner, the city of Dublin has made a huge development since the great financial crisis of 2009 on their housing market. The government of Ireland are trying to give its economy a boost by attracting foreign businesses.&nbsp;<strong>Big tech companies</strong>&nbsp;like Google, Facebook, Apple, etc. had been given the opportunity to establish their organization in Dublin because of&nbsp;<strong>low tax incentives</strong>. Considering the need for technology transfer and offshore procurement, business management, system establishment and market expansion, a large number of expatriates are employed in subsidiaries to perform business duties, including registration and planning, factory registration, marketing, technology and other general affairs. But how does this affect the resilience of the&nbsp;<strong>housing market</strong>&nbsp;in Dublin? Which other factors are relevant for the government to anticipate on a possible housing crisis? In this article we are going to discuss numerous pointers that the government should take into account.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Market Dublin