Have you tried Illustrations in Midjourney yet?

<p>All of the images shown were generated in Midjourney v5.2. Your experience with these prompts may depend on your MJ version, settings, the random noise seeds used that day, the phase of the moon, etc. This is why we don&rsquo;t sell or buy prompts.</p> <h1>Flat Design</h1> <p>These are great for presentations, like PowerPoint and for instructional videos.</p> <p>Prompt: man at office desk, flat design illustration</p> <p><img alt="man at office desk, flat design illustration" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:621/1*S58Wt_l0fOBk5xU5j7MpsA.png" style="height:622px; width:621px" /></p> <h1>2D</h1> <p>To get more depth, but still be an illustration rather than a photo, try 2D.</p> <p>Prompt: man at office desk, 2d illustration</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@maanna.stephenson/have-you-tried-illustrations-in-midjourney-yet-defbab7f3915"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>