How I’ve landed illustration jobs

<p>People regularly ask me: how do you actually get illustration work? Sometimes these questions come from people who are not at all involved in this field, but are curious to know how it works. Sometimes they come from students who cannot yet imagine how they can land illustration jobs.</p> <p>Below you will find a number of concrete examples, anecdotes of how I, as a Dutch illustrator, got certain assignments. I also asked colleagues if they had any interesting stories to add.</p> <p>First off: there is not one, singular way (we illustrators are not Mandalorians). You are the independent illustrator. See what suits you, your interests, services and products. The things I mention here are just a very small part of all possible ways. This blog is more meant as inspiration, to show options. And: results from the past do not guarantee the same result in the future. Keep trying and developing yourself, I do that as well.</p> <p><strong>General notes</strong></p> <p>As a general tip I can say that it is best to make a lot of work and to be visible. Know who YOU are, how YOU want to express and show yourself. But remember: it is also about knowing where/who your client is &mdash; do not ask &ldquo;how do I get assignments&rdquo; but &ldquo;how do clients find me?&rdquo; Hang out where your target audience is. An example: I emailed many editors at the beginning, for courtroom sketch jobs, with no response. It&rsquo;s way more useful for me to meet journalists while I&rsquo;m working at a court so they can see right away what I can do.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>