Illustrated Dive Into the Scotland-England Peace Anthem — AKA How to Find a Cover

<p>Everyone had an emo phase.</p> <p>Mine happened when I was 12 years old &mdash; searching for&nbsp;<em>sad songs</em>&nbsp;on YouTube (creative right&hellip;)</p> <p>Top recommendation led me to a break-up rap song called&nbsp;<em>You Were My Everything&nbsp;</em>by<em>&nbsp;Aviation.</em></p> <p>A LOT of people loved it. I loved it too&hellip; until two repeats later&hellip;</p> <p>It was time to wrap up the emo card.</p> <p>I wasn&rsquo;t in love with the rapping. My brain craved to know what the beautiful sample behind it was. It resonated with so many people, yet no one knew where it was from.</p> <p>The sample clearly doesn&rsquo;t get the credit it deserves<strong>.&nbsp;</strong>A common occurrence in the music industry.</p> <h1>The origin of the melody</h1> <p>Searching through the Youtube comments quickly revealed the origin of the melody.</p> <blockquote> <p>Both sides the Tweed by Dick Gaughan</p> </blockquote> <p>Upon listening, it was clear that the melody was familiar. But this wasn&rsquo;t the sample. It had to be a cover of this song.</p> <p>I scoured through all the comments on the video&hellip; listened to all the covers of the song&hellip;</p> <p><strong>Nothing.</strong></p> <p>Spending hours of my time finding a needle in a haystack&hellip; I decided to find out what the hell this song was about to begin with.</p> <p>I&rsquo;m 2% Irish. Scotland is somewhere near Ireland. That&rsquo;s a good enough reason to figure it out.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>