20 Iconic Images of Japan

<p>Japan is one of the most photographed countries in the world. A quick search on the popular photo sharing site, Flickr.com, returns around 2.2 million images for the term &ldquo;Japan&rdquo; and roughly the same number for &ldquo;USA&rdquo;. The word &ldquo;France&rdquo; produces 3.6 million results.</p> <p>However, when you compare these figures with annual tourist numbers in the three countries, a different picture emerges. Around 20 million visitors set foot in Japan every year, which pales in comparison with France&rsquo;s 84 million or the United States&rsquo; 77 million visitors (<a href="http://www.e-unwto.org/doi/book/10.18111/9789284418145" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">source</a>).</p> <p>So there is something more than numbers of people behind the infatuation with Japan in pictures.</p> <p>Having travelled extensively in the countries mentioned above, and to many other destinations besides, I see several possible reasons for this.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@SoJapan/20-iconic-images-of-japan-cff96189a7f8"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Iconic Images