Ibogaine Unveiled: Chronicles of a Psychedelic Odyssey in Mexico
<p>For as long as I can remember, I’ve been a seeker. A seeker of truth, a seeker of healing, a seeker of answers. But I’ve been told that <em>seekers don’t find</em>, and perhaps that’s been my problem all along.</p>
<p>You see, my endless inquiry was fueled by a desire for physical healing (I was born with some genetic conditions that make life challenging for me) as well as emotional healing, since like most humans, I have trauma from my childhood that I’d love to leave in the distant past.</p>
<p>I tried it all — every Western medicine treatment, workshop, self-help technique, mantra, and meditation, until my quest for healing eventually led me to psychedelic medicine. Since 2017, I’d had a number of psychedelic experiences which were incredibly profound. However, my seeking never ceased.</p>
<p><a href="https://medium.com/@kaiaroman/ibogaine-rocked-my-world-786c3f6d27cd"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>