3 Poems By Ibn Arabi, You Ought To Read
<p>I always thought, that it’s just Rumi who writes in magical tones you cannot get over. But once I read, Ibn Arabi, I am dead sure, <strong>it’s not the poet who has the magical overtones in his writings but it’s the common element in them, that has. It’s but Sufism. </strong>No matter who you read- Rumi, Shams Tabrizi, Ibn Arabi or anyone in that context, they all point to the One reality- the One magician. Sufism, I believe, is about Him and not about them. So now, let’s forget the poets and read the poems. They are all one, after all.</p>
<p><a href="https://eyeofheaven.medium.com/tikkunei-zohar-english-translation-basic-commentary-first-introduction-daf-5b-69bea800f5bb"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>