Iatrogenic diseases

<p>Foreign sauces describing how limited is allopathic modern medicine :</p> <p>&lsquo;&rsquo; La m&eacute;decine est un art d&eacute;cevant et que ses pr&eacute;ceptes, en quelque sens qu&rsquo;on les prenne, sont &eacute;galement veins&rsquo;&rsquo; Dr. F. Dumaret, La vie hygi&eacute;nique du Tuberculeux, 1940.</p> <p>&lsquo;&rsquo;Every dose of medicine given is a blind experiment on the vitality of the patient&rsquo;&rsquo; Dr Bostwick, History of Medicine.</p> <p>&lsquo;&rsquo; I declare as my conscientious conviction founded on long experience and reflection, that if there was not a single physician, surgeon, widwife, apothecary chemist, druggist, nor drugs on the face of earth, there would be less sickness and less mortality than now prevail&rsquo;&rsquo; Dr. James Johnson, Editor of medico-chirurgical review.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@yahiatamime/iatrogenic-diseases-0b98fa9931ee"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>