I Take Another Sip of Iced Coffee and Celebrate

<p>The fan hum: electronic breeze. Take it easy. Early morning awakening gurgles inside me.</p> <p>Conversations of an insect nature, a&nbsp;<em>hicha hicha hichachacha</em>, harmony of hums, interwoven&nbsp;<em>peep peep peeps.</em></p> <p>The light clicks off, warm September Summer has come.</p> <p>My hand waves under the lamp.</p> <p>The light clicks on. It&#39;s 3:53.</p> <p>The stomach quiets its early morning ask. Little requests regarding the breaking of the fast. Here, have some more iced coffee, my beautiful body. We will eat in self-care and self-love in a few moments.</p> <p>For Now, we sit in the harmony of hums. The chit chat of creatures of the September Summer.</p> <p>Sun to come.</p> <p>Warmth sit with me for a couple more weeks. Sweat take the water back to infinity. I&rsquo;ll replenish you in the coming hours.</p> <p>Fresh Earth water with frozen cool miracles in my glass. Cooling every being it has ever passed. Through trees and clouds, rivers, streams and seas. Through dinosaurs, ancestors, soul and air been.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/nowisms/i-take-another-sip-of-iced-coffee-and-celebrate-e2ba091064b"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Coffee