I Stopped Being The Back-Up Plan For Uncertain Lovers

<p>It was almost flattering how often it happened if I didn&rsquo;t think about it too hard. They would keep the relationship with me casual until they found someone else. Then, they&rsquo;d occasionally pop back into my DMs when the relationship wasn&rsquo;t going well or when they had a fleeting thought of me.</p> <p>Let me be honest: I was vulnerable. My heart had been broken, and I really wanted to believe that I was wanted. Isn&rsquo;t that, after all, what we all want? To be wanted? To be loved?</p> <p>I accepted the crumbs of their affection. They accepted the stroke to their ego when their overtures weren&rsquo;t rebuffed. I have genuine affection for the people I&rsquo;ve connected with romantically, but I wonder if all I am is their forever runner-up, the reliable backup plan in case something better doesn&rsquo;t turn out to be better after all.</p> <p>I had this thought most recently when a text request for a date turned into a conversation 24 hours later about how he&rsquo;d met someone else but wanted to keep in touch &mdash; the silent&nbsp;<em>just in case&nbsp;</em>tacked on to the seemingly innocuous request. But I am no man&rsquo;s backup plan.</p> <p>I started to realize that this initially flattering attention wasn&rsquo;t flattering at all. I wasn&rsquo;t someone to be cherished. I was an object to be picked up and put down on a whim. As this isn&rsquo;t how I see myself, I began to ask myself why I allowed anyone else to make me feel this way.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/heart-affairs/i-stopped-being-the-back-up-plan-for-uncertain-lovers-9a4bf47b651d">Visit Now</a></p>