Google Quietly Introduced An AI Product That Could Kill The Schooling System We Know.

<p>It&rsquo;s not scary.&nbsp;<strong>It&rsquo;s a shift.</strong>&nbsp;<em>Can you imagine a classroom without a teacher? Do you believe your great-grandchild would be taught well without guidance from a human teacher?</em><strong><em>&nbsp;This sounds super duper scary, right?</em></strong></p> <p>I agree, it does. But you know what? The idea that you could use a calculator at school was once as scary &mdash;&nbsp;<strong>Your grandfather would say that you&rsquo;re not using your brain properly.&nbsp;</strong>They would say that this will create generations that don&rsquo;t use their brains.</p> <p>He was wrong, and we&rsquo;re probably wrong as well.&nbsp;<strong>It&rsquo;s the concept of change that scares us, not AI.</strong></p> <p><strong>But wait, how&rsquo;s this related to Google whatsoever?</strong>&nbsp;Let&rsquo;s back up.</p> <p><strong><em>PS &mdash; 96% of my time is invested in my newsletter (750k views and 12k readers);&nbsp;</em></strong><a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank"><strong><em>Here&rsquo;s a link if you wish to become part of my network.</em></strong></a></p> <h1>Google silently announced an experimental product called NotebookLM.</h1> <p>The concept is quite simple. Think of that diary in Harry Potter that he used to write in, then it would answer back&nbsp;<em>(Not a Harry Potter fan? Meh, you&rsquo;re not missing out that much. Here&rsquo;s a picture.)</em></p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Google Quietly