I Made an AI News Editor-in-Chief Without Knowing How to Code
<p>Iam a person who, until recently, thought Python was just a type of snake. Yet, over eight hours this week, I used the giant snake’s programming language namesake to create an app. And not just any app. A bloody useful one! I built a writing prompt app that acts like the editor-in-chief of a major publication. It assesses and critiques current topics and headlines and spews out fresh story angles, ready for hungry journalists to gobble up like free donuts at a press conference.</p>
<p>Sit back and grab a beverage of choice. I’m about to spill the tea on my coding adventure — complete with technicolor commentary and a splash of creative license to keep it spicy for y’all.</p>
<h1>Co-code: The dawn of a new era</h1>
<p>I know, "The Dawn of a New Era” is probably too much. I don’t want to become one of the AI bros plaguing my Twitter feed right now. You know the ones: <em>“What an insane day in the world of AI: ChatGPT is falling behind, here are 10 other AI tools to change your life…”.</em> I’ll tone it down, I promise.</p>
<p><a href="https://medium.com/the-generator/i-made-an-ai-news-editor-in-chief-without-knowing-how-to-code-593fac0a493e">Read More</a></p>