I Asked ChatGPT to Create a Complex CSS Animation, Here’s What It Created

<p>So far, I&rsquo;ve written quite a few blog posts about things like ChatGPT and similar AI tools.</p> <p>To be honest, ChatGPT has often been super helpful for finishing my tasks quickly. This leaves me with extra time to learn new things, try out different ways to make money, and spend quality moments with my family.</p> <p>Because of how well it worked, I decided to take on more freelance jobs. Interestingly, this month, I got a gig to write a blog post about CSS animation. This task got me curious about CSS animation, so I did some research to make sure I could write a really interesting article.</p> <p>While looking into this, I discovered how you can mix different animations together. I thought this was pretty cool, so I wanted to give it a try. I started off by asking a question like, &ldquo;Give me a complex example of playing multiple animations at the same time using HTML, and CSS.&rdquo;</p> <p>I was really happy to see the answer.</p> <p>It had a special bit of code that showed exactly what I was looking for.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/the-ai-explorer/i-asked-chatgpt-to-create-a-complex-css-animation-heres-what-it-created-c13f5d721097">Website</a></p>
Tags: ChatGPT CSS