I Analysed The Pitch Deck Elizabeth Holmes Used To Raise $1.8 Billion and Scam The World.
<p>Fake it till you make it… to jail <em>(Sorry, I had to.)</em></p>
<p><strong>*In 2007*</strong></p>
<p>Me: “Have you heard of Elizabeth Holmes?”</p>
<p><strong>Person: “Of course, she’s an inspiration! They call her the next Steve Jobs. I just saw her on the cover of Forbes.”</strong></p>
<p><strong>*In 2023*</strong></p>
<p>Me: “Have you heard of Elizabeth Holmes?”</p>
<p><strong>Person: “Yup, didn’t she scam the world of millions and go to jail? I just saw her trial on CNN.”</strong></p>
<p>It’s ironic how a few years could transform a person’s image from<em> “an inspiration”</em> to <em>“a criminal.”</em></p>
<p>But that’s the job of the media. <strong>Do you know who doesn’t care about any image whatsoever?</strong> <strong><em>A pitch deck.</em></strong></p>
<p>A pitch deck tells a story at a particular time. Whether that turns out to be a false lying story or not doesn’t matter to the deck.</p>
<p>I think I’m growing some sort of weird love for pitch decks. But I’m sure other people love things that are weirder.</p>
<p>So I took my time to look at the pitch deck, the story Holmes was telling during her time at Theranos. Then I briefly analyzed it. So here it is!</p>
<p><strong><em>PS — 96% of my time is invested in my newsletter (750k views and 12k readers); </em></strong><a href="https://www.alanany.com/" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank"><strong><em>Here’s a link if you wish to become part of my network.</em></strong></a></p>
<p><a href="https://entreprenal.com/i-analysed-the-pitch-deck-elizabeth-holmes-used-to-raise-1-8-7df1ecc2ee7b"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>