I Am a Fallen Leaf
<p>I am a fallen leaf,<br />
floating on still waters.</p>
<p>The tree is no longer<br />
where I belong —<br />
<em>the winds have<br />
declared it so.</em></p>
<p>The still waters<br />
stay silent,<br />
yet they say everything<br />
that I’ve ever wanted to say<br />
but never said.</p>
<p>The winds circle around me,<br />
and I tremor<br />
and fear that they will<br />
push me even further,<br />
but the still waters<br />
never let me drown.</p>
<p><a href="https://medium.com/scribe/i-am-a-fallen-leaf-904451b35e32">Read More</a></p>