Hyper Rugged Individualism, the Castle Doctrine, and the Terror of the Second Amendment

<p>I never liked playing the board game, Monopoly, because the premise seemed so contrived and downright contrary to a country that promoted itself as land of freedom and liberty. Why, I thought, does a player have to pay someone money &mdash; fake or not &mdash; for merely landing on another&rsquo;s property? This wouldn&rsquo;t happen in real life; well, at least that is what I thought.</p> <p>In fact, the price for merely stepping onto someone&rsquo;s land is higher, much higher, than forfeiting a couple of valueless pieces of Monopoly currency, as we have witnessed over the course of the last week.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/equality-includes-you/hyper-rugged-individualism-the-castle-doctrine-and-the-terror-of-the-second-amendment-50a8acad0051"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Hyper Rugged