Illegal Opioids Are Hurting Too Many of Us. We Need a New Approach

<p>After a five-day methamphetamine bender in 2008, Pattie Vargas&rsquo;s son Joel returned to the family&rsquo;s Southern California home, where he laid in bed for three days.</p> <p>Vargas knew that her son, then 26, desperately needed help. But she had no idea where to turn.</p> <p>She had family members and friends to lean on, but none of them had experience navigating treatment and recovery for a substance use disorder (SUD). &ldquo;They were sympathetic, but they weren&rsquo;t living it,&rdquo; she says.</p> <p>So Vargas turned to the only place she felt she could find answers: Google.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: hurting