Not Voting For Biden Is Not Going To Hurt Biden

<p>The 2024 Presidential Election is going to undoubtedly be another showdown between President Joe Biden and ex-President Donald Trump.</p> <p>It&rsquo;s 2020 all over again, and this time, the stakes are&nbsp;<strong>even higher</strong>.</p> <p>Think about this. How much worse do you think Trump is going to be as president the&nbsp;<em>second time around</em>&nbsp;knowing he was the worst president ever during his first term, lost his bid for re-election, planned an insurrection when he didn&rsquo;t win, is facing 91 criminal charges, is currently on trial, and&nbsp;<strong><em>still managed</em></strong>&nbsp;to be re-elected four years later?!!</p> <p>Trump, who really is the&nbsp;<em>Teflon Don</em>, and behaves as if the rules don&rsquo;t apply to him with&nbsp;<em>no impunity,&nbsp;</em>will be the worst version of himself we&rsquo;ve ever seen, and God help us all.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: hurt Biden